STATE: near Schenectady,NY
AGE: 6 years
DOB: unsure
WEIGHT: 71 lbs
SEX: male
CHILDREN under 4: no (no history)
Dogs: yes (needs another dog)
CATS: no
8/8/23-WANTED, a caring home with a doggie sibling and a human to love & bond with!
7/27/33-Murray’s last few days back from surgery have been great as he is healing well and has puppy like energy to match his 9-month-old foster doggie sister, Jesse. Murray seemed bored the first week here. We let him go at his own pace as he slept a lot and needed some reassurance. He clearly thrives in the company of other dogs and needs a furry friend to realize his best life. He is an easy keeper, not one for creature comforts, so a blanket is his preferred bedding. Murray seems to relish two daily walks with his sister and does not pull on the leash as he will follow rather than lead you. He is not kenneled as he does not enjoy it. When we leave the house and during bedtime, he is gated in the kitchen and where he can see Jesse nightly. He is a sound sleeper and when he needs out will whine and whimper a couple of times. He has had no accidents in the house outside of marking prior to getting neutered. He does not get on furniture and enjoys laying at your feet. He is soooooo easy to manage. He smelled a little baby at the vet’s office and was soooooo gentle with him. Murray is a truly magnificent dog who has many new tricks to learn, will it be with you?
7/25/33-Murray was neutered today & did great! Here is what vet said: There was no heart murmur noted but he does have a sinus arrhythmia which is common and normal in dogs. His top two nipples were enlarged and looked as if they were suckled on in the past. They were removed while he was under anesthesia to prevent any future issues. He will be able to go back to his foster home tomorrow & will be ready to be adopted!
7/22/23-Murray got a new foster sister today, Jesse the English bulldog/boxer puppy & they hit it off. She is so good for him as he is so cautious and timid and she is so confident and exuberant. I really feel as soon as he is fixed things will even get better. He tried to get too fresh with her today and she gave him the business, it was great! LOL Then ram around the yard together having a blast!
7/22/23-Murray the Magnificent as we call him! Slow and steady is the name of the game while teaching Murray new acts. He is learning slowly that human touch can be welcoming as he gets a 10-minute whole body massage every morning before a walk and breakfast. He is making progress on the leash but does not enjoy the very loud tractor trailers as they pass by. He has taken multiple car trips to the rail trail but is still learning how GRRRR-EAT walks can be. He has beautiful manners as he waits patiently while being fed, gently takes food from your hand and listens well to “leave it” when starting to chase the birds, squirrels and the neighbors cats (for this reason definitely no kitties for him). Today’s a big day as he will be joined by his foster sister, Jesse. I am hopeful that they will help each other acclimate to their best dog lives. Stay tuned to see what else Murray can pull out of his hat!
7/18/23-Some medical things to note on Murray: The ear drops are just to take care of an ear infection. The first vet he saw before he came into rescue said he has a grade 3 heart murmur. The vet yesterday said she heard an abnormality too but didn’t give her opinion on the grade. No other meds or work up needed at this time. He is one sweet boy!
7/17/23-Murray is a gentle spirit who has come a long way in a day. From not wanting to climb three stairs, pacing the back yard & not daring to enter the house, Murray now traverses the stairs with ease and seems to prefer the cooling comfort of the kitchen floor. Although a bit reluctant to loose sight of the back door, Murray is getting more comfortable “chilling” while we go about our daily activities. Today during his pre-neuter appointment he was well mannered and not excitable around exuberant dogs or very obnoxious birds. The other patient owners kept referring to him as “one cool dude.” He is being neutered next Tuesday 7/25 & then he will be ready to go home. We cannot wait to see how Murray the Magnificent continues to amaze!
7/16/23-Murray has arrived at his foster home I gave him his drops for his ears the vet prescribed and will give him his 7-in-1 wormer (as we do for all mill dogs) when he’s ready to eat. He had a good time in backyard and then was restless so we put him in his kennel for some down time to rest.
7/14/23-Murray is a 6 year old handsome boxer. He was saved from being killed by a puppy mill as they were just done breeding him. He arrived safely into rescue today thanks to his transport & overnight volunteers. More updates from his foster home soon!