JACKSON- CAVAPOO (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/miniature poodle)

State: near Utica,NY
AGE: 16 months
DOB: 3/3/2022
WEIGHT: 16 lbs
SEX: Male
NEUT/UTD: soon/yes
CHILDREN under 4: no (no history)


08/01/23-Jackson is really settling in to life outside the mill. He is showing his playful side more and more each day. He loves to grab toys or whatever he can get his mouth on and run around with it. He does have a good amount of energy, but at the same time will sit with you if that is what you are doing. What he wants and needs more than anything is to be with his human. He is always underfoot or sitting right beside me. He always has an eye on what I am doing. He is one of the most loving dogs I have ever had. Jackson still does fine in a crate both during the daytime and nighttime, but he is not a completely quiet dog when crated during the day. He will do a whiny bark throughout so I do not recommend him as an apartment or condo dog. Jackson noticed a bunny in the backyard and saw how it escaped. Now Jackson is obsessed with finding the bunny. On walks he is very interested in squirrels, dear, and bunnies. He tries to chase after them so I think he is prey driven. Jackson gets lots of attention from everyone we encounter. My neighbors and their great-grandkids adore him. He allowed the kids to pet him and he even rolled over on his back (his favorite position) for belly rubs. He also has allowed adults to meet and greet him too. He does better if the adult crouches down to his level. A few people we see on our walk in the morning are obsessed with him.I had a plumber come to the house to do some work. Jackson stayed right by my side. He did not bark nor did her jump up on him. He was nervous, but curious. Jackson is doing well with house training. He has not had any accidents in the house, nor has he marked at all. I am still not convinced he is fully house trained though. He is smart and he will get there sooner rather than later.

7/25/23-Jackson had a busy few days with lots of visitors to the house. He did well meeting new people. He was shy at first but then warmed right up. His sweet disposition and personality shined right through and melted hearts. Jackson also had a fur friend visit and stay with us. He was not fond of the male dog. He growled when meeting him and whenever he came close to him. The Australian shepherd, who is friendly, did not react to it in an aggressive way. After a second walk with the three dogs, Jackson was tolerant of him. The growling stopped and the two sniffed each other, but I did not let them play because I was still unsure of the situation. The Aussie stayed the night with us and I brought him home in the morning. When I picked him up later in the day, Jackson growled again, but then was fine on our walk. In retrospect, during the rescue transport, Jackson was growling at the male boxer when he was standing next to him, but Jackson cuddled with the male mini poodle. With that being said, he might be fine with a smaller male dog, but there might be dominance issues with a larger one. For this reason he’s probably not going to be your city/dog park type dog where lots of different dogs around closely all the time. House training is coming along. He hasn’t had any accidents, but he is not fully house trained yet. I let him out every couple hours when we are home and never let him out of my sight. I have had to attend some Zoom meetings for work and he sat right by my side during the course of the 5 hours of meetings and he didn’t make a peep. He did want some pets and to sit on my lap and I of course obliged. He continues to do well in his crate. There is very little barking or whining coming from him when I leave the house. At night he barely stirs. Jackson does have a playful side. He will get the zoomies after our walk and dart around the backyard or in the house. He enjoys playing with chew toys. He comes (most of the time) when I call his name. He is able to go up my hardwood stairs on his own, but is a little intimidated coming back down still. I can’t believe the progress he makes and I am so proud to be a part of his new beginning to the best years of his life.

7/20/23-Jackson’s first few days of life outside the mill have been filled with many new experiences and he is loving life! He is a genuinely happy dog. I had a feeling that he would be noisy in his crate when left alone. The first two times he was. He whined and barked for the first hour and then he quieted down to just a whine or bark here and there until I got home. By the third time, however, he didn’t make a sound. He was confident it was only temporary and I was coming back. When I entered the house and went to the crate he was lying down waiting patiently for me to open the door. Potty training is a work in progress. I do not allow him to roam freely yet. He’s had one accident and a few marking incidents with me. Each time that happens he gets a loud and firm “no!” and he knows what he has done is wrong. Outside, praise and love are given each time he goes potty.  He was a model patient at the vet clinic. He was so well behaved and adorable the vet came back over to give him a little extra love while we were scheduling his neuter. Jackson does really well on walks. Our early morning walks are usually around 4-5 miles and he loves every minute. Our evening walk is only around 1-2 miles since it is usually warmer and more humid by then. With that being said, Jackson does not have a ton of energy, but he does really enjoy romps around the yard and getting that energy out. He is honestly happy just being with his human. As I type this he is lying down at my feet waiting for our first walk of the day. Jackson has a busy weekend ahead. He has company coming over to meet him and he has a fur friend staying with us. I am hoping it goes well with the fur friend to see how playful he is with other dogs. My dog wants nothing to do with playing with him as she is an older lady. More updates to follow after our busy weekend. This guy is truly special and I know he will make his new family so happy. His neuter is not until Tuesday August 8th due to vet backups. He will be ready to go home after that! 

7/17/23-Jackson is a cavapoo who came into rescue thanks to the many SCBR volunteers who picked him up from the transport late at night and held him for two days until his transport, and to the transport volunteers who helped him get to my home. He rides very well in a car. He was curious about my cats. My household bully cat made sure he knew who was boss in the house and Jackson did not react at all. He was very curious about my female pit mix. She is tolerant of it to a certain extent, but was trying to get away from him. After a second walk later in the evening his curiosity (sniffing, jumping up on, etc.) seemed to subside. Jackson is one handsome fella. His coat is soft red with waves in it, more like the coat of a cavalier than a poodle. He does not have the curls of a poodle, but he did have matts. I do not notice much shedding at all so that poodle gene is definitely in there. He had a much needed spa day where he was bathed, trimmed, and clipped. The groomer said he was a very good boy. Jackson did very well on his first night with me. He settled down on the sofa with me and snuggled. He had no issue whatsoever going into his crate and staying in it at night. I do have 2 crates- one on the first floor and one in my bedroom. I was able to put him in his crate and read in bed before turning the light out and he was fine. He did not make a sound all night. I don’t think he would have handled the crate as well as he did if he were not in the same room with me.

Jackson does really well on a leash. He is learning to stay by my side on walks. He does not pull nor is he“walking me.” I have used both a collar and a harness on him to walk and he does fine with either one. He is curious about cars, but is not reactive to them. We walk on a fairly busy street and only the really noisy cars/trucks/motorcycles startle him.

 Right now  Jackson wants to be close to his human. If I leave him in the kitchen while I am doing other things, he will try to jump over the gates. I am trying to curb that behavior. Jackson also likes to jump up on me if he is excited to see me. I’ve been trying to curb that as well. I will see how he does when I am not home and update. I am not sure if he will be a barker or not. Jackson is such a sweet guy. He is friendly and just so lovable. You would never know he lived in a puppy mill. He is pretty chill for having lived such a lonely and horrific life. His pre-neuter appointment is on Wednesday July 19th and I will update after that with when his neuter is. This beautiful boy won’t be here long! 

7/16/23-Jackson did great the 2 nights at his temporary spot until he could be transported rest of the way to his foster home. He had a hardy appetite & is very loving and playful.  He will need some potty training like all mill dogs do. He had a few accidents but did go outside as well.  He whimpered a bit at night but as soon as he saw us peek at him, he seemed to feel more comfortable and settled down for the night. 

7/14/23-Jackson is a gorgeous ruby colored 16 month old male Cavapoo (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/miniature poodle). He was saved from being killed by a puppy mill as they were just done breeding him. He arrived safely into rescue today thanks to his transport & overnight volunteers. More updates from his foster home soon