State: near Manchester NH
Age: 17 weeks
DOB: 03/29/23
Weight: ~20 lbs (est 45 lbs full grown)
Sex: female
Neutered/UTD: no/yes
Coat Color: tri color
Children under 4: yes
Children over 4: yes
Seperation Anxiety: no
Other dogs: Yes
Cats: yes
Crate Trained: learning
House Trained: learning
Obedience Trained: No
Leash Trained: learning
ADOPTION FEE: $725 (includes $50 refundable neuter deposit)
(Since I’m a baby I need home with someone home more often. Ex: work at home, retired, at home parent, work opposite, etc)
08/01/23-Cleo is a much happier girl today! She is eating and drinking well and is interacting more.Today is the first day she is occasionally untucking that tail. With her first intro to the kitty cat she was calm and interested and booped noses with her last night but didn’t chase her. Right now she’s afraid of most sounds and our dogs, so she’s just people and kitty time the last few days. If she has another good night will try dogs intros again tomorrow so not to overwhelm her. She’s a typical puppy mill puppy that everything is so new & strange to her. Cleo’s sister just started coming out of her shell yesterday & acting like a normal puppy so we know Cleo will do well too.
07/28/23-Cleo is an adorable 17 week old female mini bernedoodle (miniature poodle/bernese mountain dog). She was saved from being killed by a puppy mill as she just got too old to sell. She arrived safely into our rescue tonight thanks to her transport & overnight volunteers. We estimate she will be about 50 lbs full grown. According to her vet paperwork she has an umbilical hernia which will just be fixed when she is older & new owner has her spayed. More updates from her foster home soon!