Marigold(English Bulldog)

STATE: Western NY
AGE: 4 years 
DOB: unsure
WEIGHT: 40 pounds
SEX: Female
CHILDREN under 4: NO (no history)
CATS: NO (no history)
*Due to extra vet costs in rescue for purebred English & French Bulldogs, adoption fee is higher
5/1/22-Marigold is doing very well. Her coat is looking healthier and is starting to grow in. She is a happy, spunky, playful girl. She eats well now and looks forward to meal times. I catch her licking her chops as she’s waiting for me to get her meal ready…….typical bulldog! She splits her time pretty evenly between playing with toys, playing with the other dogs, getting attention from the humans and napping.
She is a quiet dog, I’ve only heard her bark a few times like when I sneezed a few times in a row or if I drop something and it startles her. If it wasn’t for the bulldog snoring and happy snorting/grunting noises she would be quiet as a mouse. We have figured out when she very suddenly starts jumping and spinning around all excited it means she needs to go out. As long as we don’t miss her silly cue all is well. Marigold is currently making snorty noises chewing on a toy as happy as can be. She is such a fun little girl to have around. She has truly come such a long way in just 2 weeks, she is going to thrive in her forever home.
4/26/22-Marigold is doing so well! The first week she was here she pretty much avoided me at all costs. One morning she snuck over and “kissed” my hand and when I came home from work that afternoon she decided she can trust me. She has happily been enjoying being pet and getting belly rubs ever since… now she likes attention so much she will swat me with a paw or nudge me for more pets. Despite not getting attention her first 4 years she gladly shares attention with the other dogs. We had some company over on Sunday and she was wandering around getting attention from everyone she seemed to really enjoy herself l. I do think that her watching the other dogs interact is helping her a lot.
Marigold has had a few accidents in the house but she now seems to be on the right track. Her crate is always clean too so that’s a plus.
Marigold does have some minor skin issues (dry skin/scabs/thin coat etc) that seems to be on the mend with the help of antibiotics and a better quality food. We are also making progress in treating her ear infection.
Marigold will be happiest with another playful dog. She plays a lot with my young male bulldogs and is respectful of my senior female bulldog who definitely rules the pack here and isn’t much for playing.
More updates coming soon!
4/18/22-Marigold arrived at her foster home on Friday 4/15. After 4 long years of lining the pockets of her puppy miller she is spay and ready to become a loved family pet. 
She is a bit skittish of humans as to be expected since she has had limited human contact but she is learning to trust us.  She is making improvements daily and I’m even starting to see her begin to act like a young dog. She is romping around in the yard a bit and this morning I caught her rolling around on her back.
Marigold is being fostered with 3 English Bulldogs, she gets along well with all of them and definitely follows their lead. She hasn’t played with my dogs yet but she is beginning to show interest when they have their daily play sessions. Pretty soon she will be confident enough to join in the fun. 
Marigold is on the smaller side for a Bulldog, she is very short and compact. Honestly she is just ador-a-bull! She was spay and brought up to date at our vet partner before coming into rescue. It is noted that she has a grade II heart murmur. While this is something to monitor it is not a concern presently as it is a mild murmur that usually doesn’t cause additional problems. Marigold had no problems with anesthesia and surgery during her spay. 
More updates coming soon as we get to know Marigold better.