Tahlie-DEAF Mini Aussiedoodle (Miniature Tahlie-DEAF Mini Aussiedoodle (Miniature poodle/Australian Shepherd)

State: NYC area
Age: 10 weeks
DOB: unsure
Weight: 11 lbs 
Sex: female 
Neutered/UTD: No /yes 
Coat Color: white & liver
Docked tail: Natural 
Ears: Natural 
Children under 4: Yes 
Children over 4: Yes 
Seperation Anxiety: No 
Other dogs:Yes (needs another dog)
Crate Trained: Learning
House Trained: no
Obedience Trained: No 
Leash Trained: No 
ADOPTION FEE: $725 (includes $50 refundable neuter deposit)
(Since I’m DEAF I need home with another dog, physical fenced yard & someone home more often. Ex: work at home, retired, at home parent, work opposite, etc)

07/29/2022 – Tahlie has been with us a little over a week and is starting to know the routine. She is still giving everyone a run for her money and will bark when she has her mind set on something that she wants, whether it be to play with the other foster or the boys. My boxer is older and is not thrilled with the girls being here, but he’s a trooper. In the morning when they see him, they both run up to him and jump all over him. This helps get them outside – the only thing on his mind is to go out and do his business. 

Tahlie at times is a good eater and other times she has to supervise all that going on around her. I weighed her this morning and she actually gained almost 2 lbs! She still has accidents in the crate and in the house, but I have to remember she’s a young pup.


Trying to teach her a few signs has been challenging because of all that’s around her, she’s so inquisitive to the new world around her. Tahlie’s deafness does not stop her! Given the opportunity to grow up with her own family, she will thrive wonderfully! 

07/21/2022 – A few days ago, Tahlie got her freedom from a puppy mill thanks to some amazing volunteers! Since she is deaf, the miller decided she wasn’t a sellable puppy so he gave her to rescue. Her life of being a mill momma was only a thought for a second and she only has to look forward to an amazing life with her new family!

Tahlie came in with another Aussie Doodle puppy and together they are giving their 2 foster brothers a run for the money! Although Tahlie is deaf, she keeps up with the gang no problem. She is a high-spirited girl who sees something, goes after it and then stops when she feels the squirt bottle. She will look at me and I give her the sign for no, but within seconds, she’s onto something else!


Her crate has not been dry and there have been some accidents in the house, but she’s a puppy and needs to be trained! I’m looking forward to seeing what thrivingTahlie has to offer as she adjusts to her new life, she’s one terrific puppy!

7/19/22-Tahlie is an adorable Mini Aussiedoodle (Miniature poodle/Australian Shepherd) that came from a puppy mill as they couldn’t sell her as they said she is deaf. Updates soon from her foster home!