9/27/22-Teddy has now been part of our family for three days. He is a petite lad weighing in at a svelte 12 lbs as compared to the resident Saint Bernard and Boxer. He is comfortable around other dogs and always happy to meet new people. He can be a little reserved at first while he takes in everything around him. We see more and more of his playful side each day.
This six month old boy can hold his bladder like no other! We haven’t had a single accident in the house. He doesn’t have much of an appetite, only eating a bite here and there when he gets hungry.
During the day he is most content to sit on my lap in the recliner while I work on the laptop. That also happens to be the Boxer’s favorite spot so we’re learned to share the space. Every now and then he will start nibbling on the edge of the laptop. He is definitely a zoom favorite.
At night he is placed in the crate only because I am afraid that the Saint Bernard would crush him in bed. It takes a bit for him to settle because he wants to be with his people all the time. He walks on the back of my feet and is my permanent shadow. He’s the sweetest little thing!