3/14/23-Many changes for Miss Pippa over the last few weeks. She visited with another foster home, came back to me, and I could see she had more confidence as a result of her sleep over. She is very good with my dogs, however she doesn’t seek out their company or really play with them, but just seems to accept their presence and does like going outside with them, but she doesn’t try to snuggle up with them. She is a very gentle soul, and has gotten better about going in her crate, but often does need to be lead to it. Some dogs are food motivated when it comes to learning commands or receiving praise. She is slowly learning that being praised, getting body massages, hugs and pats, are good things. But she’s still not convinced that treats are anything special. She eats well, but I guess I just haven’t found the special treat that motivates her.
2/15/23-Pippa is a 1 1/2 year old gorgeous red Merle female mini aussie (miniature Australian shepherd). She was saved from being killed by a puppy mill as they were just done breeding her. She arrived safely into rescue today thanks to his transport & overnight volunteers. She has a spay appointment for Monday 2/20. Once Pippa is spayed & we get to know her better then she will be able to be matched to her new home. More updates from her foster home soon!