STATE: near Dunkirk,NY
AGE: 2 years
DOB: 7/26/21
WEIGHT: 59 lbs
SEX: female
NEUT/UTD: yes/yes
COAT COLOR: Fawn & White
CHILDREN under 4: no (no history)
CATS: No (no history)


8/14/23-Fancy is doing very well. She and Diva are now sleeping in the same crate together by choice. Fancy is absolutely delightful, easy-going, lovable, like comes when you call. She will probably be happiest with another dog because she really follows my Beau around. She has a hard time going out unless Beau goes out. Right now she’s not good off leash outside the fenced yard as she does panic & is  hard to catch. Other than that she is just a delightful girl & ready to go home! 

8/10/23-Fancy’s spay went very well yesterday but she is very very swollen and distended from the removal of the lump in her nipple. Her feet and chest have immensely improved, she’s still pink but not anywhere as bad as it was when she first came in. The vet did a scraping of her feet and chest and tested for several different things. The ruled out mites & mange and still believes it is all bacterial. She gave me this foam type medicine to rub into her feet and chest to help get rid of the skin infection. Fancy is a really really good dog. My girl Diva is laying in the crate with her to comfort her after her spay and this has never happened before. It’s so cute.

8/8/2023-Miss Fancy is doing so well, she acts like she’s been here all of her life and is sharing toys, and dog beds and chewing up an occasional paper plate… I didn’t say she was perfect! When you adopt her you need at least one free hand because she has a new habit of coming up, putting her head on your knee which means you have to stroke the top of her head and run your finger up her white blaze on her forehead.  Her inflamed feet that were just beet red from infection are barely pink and her chest looks the same way, so it is a go tomorrow for her spay. Fancy would make a great second dog because she is soooooooo easy to get along with, no food aggression, no hogging the bed and no attitude. In the beginning she was not in love with the idea of getting into the crate but since she gets fed there she has a reason to pop right in and lately she just goes in there just to relax. Every day I see her do new things because she is so inquisitive and observant as to what is going on around her  There are still times an extremely loud noise will startle her (fireworks are not fun!).  She is definitely a follower as in her desire to be around another dog and do what they are doing and play with the toy they are playing with, and dig in the same hole that they are in the backyard. In my humble opinion she is a keeper, but I am happy to give her up to a good family because she is VERY, VERY much into being loved.

7/28/23-All three of the dogs are snug as a bug in a rug. She’s a very smart cookie and she has picked up on stuff very quickly. Fancy goes into her crate within the first night here. She is a little bit shy when people walk in the door, but just takes a second and she warms up. Anytime she comes into the den and the TV is on. She is totally 100% focused on the voices coming out of the TV and so right now when she’s laying next to the other to she’s still gazing up to take in the sound very very typical for most puppy mill dogs but have never been exposed to a TV. 

7/27/23-Happy Birthday to Fancy, she just turned two years old yesterday! We did our initial trip to the vet where blood tests were great, but we have to deal with bacterial infections on her feet between her toes and on her chest before she can get spayed. She is on antibiotics and steroids to clear up the infections. There is also a lump in one of her nipples that the vet said will just remove that during her spay. Other than that, she is a happy camper, fits right in with my two dogs and acts right now like she’s been living here all of her life. She is going through the basic stage of all puppy mill dogs when it comes to seeing a TV for the first time, hearing a radio for the first time, and different noises that she probably didn’t hear before.  Fancy is incredibly affectionate and very easy-going dog. She is already sharing a dog bed with one of my guys but she has yet to figure out with toys are all about.  Trying to get a picture of her face because it is absolutely beautiful and so typical boxer.  She has this very unusual ear flip where one comes very forward almost like she has a hat on with a tilt …it is so cute if!   She is a loving dog waiting for forever home. We had to postpone her surgery to Wednesday 8/9 & she will be ready to go home after that! 

7/26/23-Fancy is a sweet 2 yr old boxer that came into rescue today from a local breeder. The breeder does genetic testing & found she is a carrier for DM (Degenerative Myelopathy). DM is a late stage disease common in senior boxers that is a neurological condition similar to MS in humans. Fancy doesn’t have DM, and may never get it as a senior, but she could pass the gene for the disease onto any puppies so they did the right thing to not breed her anymore. She does have some issues with really swollen & pink inflamed feet and her neck is red, so we will have the vet check it out tomorrow when she has her pre-spay checkup. Her spay is suppose to be next Monday 7/31 but will see if there is a delay due to her skin issue or not. More updates soon from her foster home.