Age: 14 weeks
DOB: 02/27/24
Weight: 18 lbs (est 40 lbs full grown)
Sex: male
Neutered/UTD: no/yes
Coat Color: tri color
Children under 4: yes
Children over 4: yes
Seperation Anxiety: no
Other dogs: Yes
Cats: yes
Crate Trained: unsure
House Trained: learning
Obedience Trained: No
Leash Trained: learning
ADOPTION FEE: $725 (includes $50 refundable neuter deposit)
(Since I’m a baby I need home with someone home more often. Ex: work at home, retired, at home parent, work opposite, etc)
6/11/24-Beaker has been with us a few days and has really done so well! He loves being around kids and people. He has done well with our dogs and pays no attention to our two birds. He is a snuggler and wants to nap near you and see what youre up to. He did great in the car on a short ride and met some neighbors which he enjoyed. He got zoomies for the first time and it was great seeing him so happy and playful.
6/8/24-Beaker (named after a muppet) has arrived to his foster home! He’s enjoying the grass! He is so sweet! My mastiff and him are buddies already. Beaker is settling into our home! So far he loves to follow people around and is playful with our two large dogs. He is curious with what is going on. Right now he can be a little startled if he hears a loud noise but recovers quickly. He enjoys being outside with people and adores my children.
06/06/24-Beaker is a gorgeous 14 week old male mini bernedoodle (mini poodle/bernese mountain dog). He came in from a commercial breeder along with his brother Stanley as they just got too old to sell. He arrived safely into our rescue tonight thanks to his transport & temporary foster volunteers. We estimate Beaker will be about 40 lbs or more full grown. We were told he is 3/4 bernese & only 1/4 poodle so he is mostly bernese, so is not going to be for those looking for an “allergy friendly” doodle.