STATE: Western New York
AGE: 4 years
DOB: unsure
WEIGHT: 48 lbs
SEX: Female
COAT COLOR: Fawn/white
CHILDREN under 4: NO (No history)
CHILDREN OVER 4: YES older kids
CATS: NO (no History)

ADOPTION FEE: $675**Due to extra vet costs in rescue for purebred English & French Bulldogs, adoption fee is higher

12/16/21-Just like Skye, Clementine’s foster mom saw Clementine yesterday walking around acting fine but her head was shaking a lot. A few minutes later & some treats & she was fine. It is just a head tremor which is very common in English & French Bulldogs. They are so common in the breed they are also known as “bulldog head bobbing”, “bulldog head shaking”,  “bulldog head nodding” and  “idiopathic bulldog head tremors“ and can be used interchangeably. The Origin of this bulldog head nodding and bobbing is mostly unknown (idiopathic) and is considered “benign”. They are usually intermittent, short lived(occasionally, could last for a few minutes) & are considered harmless, thus NO treatment is required. It may never happen again or could, the vets say just keep an eye on it. Good ways to break the episode is to have them move their head & neck, distract with a toy/treat, calling them to you, etc. We’ve seen this in a few boxers over the years & learned it’s the same thing, not a seizure, & nothing to worry about. Don’t let this turn you away from another super sweet girl!


12/14/21-Clementine arrived at her foster home on Friday. She was freed from a life of breeding at a puppy mill and not a moment too soon… she developed pyometra a deadly uterine infection. Fortunately she was spay at our vet partner and is now healthy and loving life! The only cure for pyometra is to spay the dog, although I’m certain her miller has made a small fortune selling her puppies they certainly would not have spent a dime to save her life.  She is so lucky to have been surrendered before the infection became deadly. 

 Now that breeding is a thing of the past and she is healthy Clementine is learning what life is like in a warm house as a loved family member. She is doing so well so far! She’s being fostered with 3 bulldogs. She gets along great with all of them but especially likes the bulldog puppy. They play and wrestle and have a great time together! 
Clementine is quiet in her crate and has already learned to keep it clean and dry. She has had a few accidents in the house but that is to be expected. I now know she gets “frisky” spinning around, play bowing, sometimes a bark or grumbly noise before she goes potty. This is my sign to take her outside ( I thought she was just getting silly the first few times).
I’m having a really hard time getting good pics of her. She’s making up for lost time and is constantly on the move either playing with the others, a toy or wiggling around happy as can be! She is a bit hand shy with humans but is coming around nicely. Clementine would do well with a home with another dog to play with. She definitely enjoys their company and playing, she is never very far from one of the other dogs. More updates and pictures coming soon!