State: Western NY
Age: 4 years
DOB: unsure
Weight: 7 lbs
Sex: Male
Neutered/UTD: Yes/Yes
Coat Color: red
Tail docked: yes
Cropped ears: No
Children under 4: no (no history)
Children over 4: Yes
Seperation Anxiety: No
Other dogs: Yes
Cats: probably
Crate Trained: yes
House Trained: No
Obedience Trained: No
Leash Trained: No
9/18/22-Both poodles are doing well with their potty training . Napoleon loves running around the yard at full speed while Berti is content to sit in your lap. Olivia Newton John who is my laid back Yorkie girl seems to be the teacher and correcting them when they get too flirty! Berti had 16 teeth out during dental so I have been feeding him strictly wet food. Napoleon also had a dental but with no extractions . They are both shy when you come at them but will follow you any where and hate being kept separate from you right now m.
I tested them with 5 yr old kids today & both were good .Besides working on potty training these boys are ready to be welcomed into their forever homes!
9/17/22-Bertiner “Bert” is a 4 year old purebred small Miniature Poodle. He was saved from a puppy mill as they were done breeding him. He arrived safely into rescue last night thanks to his transport volunteers.
Bert is very shy right now but sweet and will follow Napoleon everywhere. More updates as he decompresses from life in a mill & learns how to be loved! Yes