State: CT
Age: 5 years
DOB: unsure
Weight: 29 lbs
Sex: Female
Neutered/UTD: yes/Yes
Coat Color: brindle & white
Children under 4: no (no history)
Children over 4: Yes
Seperation Anxiety: no
Other dogs: Yes
Cats: yes
Crate Trained: yes
House Trained: learning
Obedience Trained: No
Leash Trained: learning
12/10/22-Today, little Miss Freya went on an outing to Mackey’s, my favorite home and garden center. Gave me a chance to enjoy Christmas and to expose Freya to the public, strangers, other strange dogs, leash training and cats.
I’m so very impressed with this girl, as she did so well, mostly following my lead and sometimes exploring on her own. Everyone wanted to greet her and she was so happy with all the attention, she even gave some employees facial kisses….being a mill mama that is huge.
Then she meet one of the store cats. This is a very bold kitty, who sat on a shelf about 3 feet away from Freya just staring at her. Freya was all wiggles and doing a little dance wanting to play with the kitty. Kitty was NOT impressed with the enthusiasm from Freya and gave her a look that only cats can give. Freya looked so surprised, backed up 2 steps and immediately turned her attention away from the kitty and to people who couldn’t wait to give her lots of praise and a treat of cookies.
Potty training is definitely a work in progress, but she’s a smart girl so she’ll get it.
Happy holidays everyone from Freya!
12/8/22-Freya is a French bulldog/pug cross, and this little girl got the very best of both breeds. She loves to play with my Boston, and I would have to admit she’s happiest when around my own dogs. She’s very people friendly, and when she greets you she has the best wiggle butt I’ve seen in such a small body, that is of coarse if you can call all 29 lbs of her small.
Freha is now updated on her shots, she’s been spayed and had an umbilical hernia repaired that had gone untreated for her 5 years of life. Due to the repair and spay together, this little cutie is sporting staples instead of sutures so a return visit to a vet will be needed to remove them.
She is a work in progress for potty training, that will improve with consistent diligence and consistent schedule, keep in mind she has never had this in her life….but she does not soil in her crate. Personality wise, she’s a happy girl who can’t wait to snuggle with her new person or family.
11/25/22-Freya is a 5 year old Frug(french bulldog/pug) saved from death at a puppy mill as they were just done breeding her. She arrived thanks to great groups of transport volunteers & a temporary foster home. She has an appointment to be spayed on 12/5 but that may be delayed if she is in heat. Once she is spayed she will be ready to be matched to her new home. More updates soon from her foster home.