1-Cats-indifferent. I have a cat and she does not seem to care that he is there.
2-Other Dogs-she will sniff them politely but does not want to play with them or engage much with them yet. She does take correction from my dog when she is doing something he believes she shouldn’t do.
3-Crate Trained- yes she loves her crate. I leave it open when I am home and she spends most of her time there, although she is starting to venture out. Today I was in my office and came back to the room that her crate is in and found that she had grabbed a bone and brought it back to her crate and was chewing on it. She also prefers to eat there. Right now I close the crate when she eats just to keep my dog from eating her food and his, but when there is food left in his bowl she will grab some and bring it back to the crate.
4-House Trained-Yes very much so. No accidents in the last 4 days.
5-Leash trained- only a little bit on this but so far so good. If it stops snowing I will get them out for a short walk to see how she does. However, when I got her home she was on a leash while she met my dog and she did not pull. She did the same at the groomer and while she met my next door neighbor.
Overall, she is slowly learning how to be a dog. She has started coming out of her crate just so that I can love on her. She makes this cute teeth chattering sound (similar to a cat’s purr) when she is happy while I love on her. She also has started pushing my hand off of my dog if I am not petting her at the same time. She is getting better about going outside. At the beginning she needed to be pushed out. She is starting to realize that she needs to go even if she doesn’t want to.
She is eating well now. I first started adding plain greek yogurt to her food to get her interested in her food. That worked so I tested shifting to adding water to her food and that worked really well too. At first she wasn’t eating much and was very nervous. Now she is eating every meal. She was so badly matted from life of neglect at the puppy mill that she had to go to groomer to be shaved down. She likes & feels like a new girl! We are still trying to find a vet nearby that can do her spay in a reasonable amount of time (most are booked out 3-6 months!). Once we get Macaroni spayed she can be matched to her new home & start her new life.